con Rescue dogs of 9/11 to be honored Sunday by Cheryl Hanna, Pet Rescue E - 100% Angel


Rescue dogs of 9/11 to be honored Sunday by Cheryl Hanna, Pet Rescue Examiner

September 08, 2011

Rescue dogs of 9/11 to be honored Sunday by Cheryl Hanna, Pet Rescue Examiner

Jersey City, New Jersey- Nearly 2000 dogs and their handlers are expected to be standing at attention tomorrow in Liberty State Park for a Recognition Ceremony honoring the four-legged-heroes of the worst day in American history on September 11, 2001. The emotional procession will begin at the park and end at a site just across the river from Ground Zero.

Finding One Another Organization, a co-sponsor of the solemn event which educates the public and raises funds to support search and rescue dogs, their handlers, and veterinary medical assistance to the dogs has identified more than 950 working dog teams who served in search and rescue, recovery and security at Ground Zero, the Pentagon, Shanksville, and the Fresh Kills Landfill recovery site.

Finding One Another and Tails of Hope Foundation, which advances the field of veterinary and human medicine to combat cancer and life-threatening illnesses are proud to honor these unsung heroes.

A registry for all dogs and handlers aimed at creating  search and rescue memorial gardens near the 9/11 site is also planned.

 Records indicate there are 50 dogs still alive out of 350 dogs who served at Ground Zero. There are 27 of those dogs who are expected to be at the ceremony tomorrow. Their muzzles most probably are gray, they may not see as well, and they might even have arthritis, but their ages and their physical condition will only add to the respect, courage, and admiration the dogs and their handlers so bravely demonstrated at Ground Zero.

The Honorable Frank Lautenberg will speak at the ceremony tomorrow and honor not only the search and rescue teams who sadly could find no living survivors, but also the therapy animal teams, security teams and the veterinarians and vet techs involved in the saddest days of modern history.

Senator Lautenberg will honor the firefighters, police officers, volunteers, the dogs and their handlers who spent thousands and thousands of voluntary working hours trying to help others.

The ceremony is by invitation only, but for those of us who have been invited to share just a bit of our lives with such heroes to remember the selfless work of these dogs and their handlers, it is indeed a profound honor. We all remember where we were the day America shook.

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